Here are ways for you and your child to get in the back-to-school mindset and cope with any anxieties or big feelings.
New Space
- For young children, forecast step-by-step how the day will go so they get a sense of what to expect.
- If you are learning from home this year, add fun printable’ s to add a personal touch to your child’s learning area.
- Telling our kids that we see what they’re feeling will help them feel validated and supported. Give them space to let your child share their fears and talk about what’s on their mind.
- Establish bedtimes and your morning routine early for the school year.
School Supplies
- Practice using anew lunch box, backpack, zippers, using buttons, tying shoes, opening juice boxes, etc. It will set them up for success during the school year.
- Ask your child to help choose the outfits for the first week of school. Together with your child, pack the backpack, so they know what is inside.
Friends & Teachers
- Talk about shared likes and interests such as “I heard Mrs. Smith loves reading books about animals, and you do too! I wonder if she likes trains too?”
- Try to set up some play dates so that your child can start to grow bonds with their new classmates.
During the School Year
- Paint a mental picture for your child of what to expect and remind them about the fun things happening at school that day.
- Add a positive affirmation in your child’s lunch to east separation anxiety.
- Focus your child’s attention on the reconnection after school. “After school let’s sit on the hammock together and you can tell me the three most fun things you did at school today. I can’t wait to hear!”
- Praise your child for brave behavior. You might plan a fun meal at the end of the first day of the week.